Firewalls Essentials for Managers.
In this course we describe and consider best practices for deployment of Internet firewalls.
We will define and discuss different types of firewall technologies,
giving an overview of their strengths and weaknesses.
We will compare and contrast representative products.
There are so many firewalls to choose from, many claiming to be an “industry leader.”
We will also try to separate the wheat from the chaff, and help attendees determine just how much firewall they need.
This course is suitable for Network administrators and system administrators,
as well as MIS managers and auditors, and even CIOs and CEOs wanting to learn about firewalls.
Security Essentials for Managers.
This course will cover essential knowledge for enterprise managers,
discussing the practice, technologies, and mechanisms to
employ and deploy to secure computers and networks of the enterprise
and the individual.
Fighting Spam.
Spam is an annoyance and it costs our companies money.
There is no 100% effective solution to counter spam in a usable system, but
there are available tools and techniques to fight spam.
The trick is to balance the cost of dealing with it and the cost of ignoring it.
Advanced Firewalls.
This workshop examines how to use firewalls more effectively to meet the
challenges of today’s Internet uses and threats.
Networks have gotten more complicated, rather than less.
Users demand access to more and varied network services.
Servers and services are more “feature-ful” — and difficult to secure.
How to Develop an Information Security Incident Response Team and Plan.
Computer Forensics is a high interest topic. But without the proper planning and
preparation, forensic efforts often are fruitless. This course will help you
handle your next security incident, by working through how a CSIRT is
put together and how it operates under fire.
During this two-day working seminar, we will draft a charter for a CSIRT as well as an Incident Response Plan.
This class is aimed at the network and security administrator or IT security manager.
Secure Internet Communications.
When the Internet was first created, it was a small community with no “bad
guys” and few problems. Today, it is an open network on which we depend for
In this course, we will examine the protocols, procedures,
and product technologies to use to protect
Internet communications.
Internet Security Tools and Techniques
This 2 day course will survey what lies beyond firewalls. We are in “the next generation” of Internet use,
and must start today rolling out additional mechanisms and employing added methods.
We will also discuss the growing trends in security which lead to insecurity.
Firewalls and VPNs: Introduction and Best Practices
In this 2-day course we concentrate on using Internet firewalls and virtual private networks (VPNs).
We will discuss network and computer vulnerabilities, and show how firewalls can be configured
to protect against many of them. Different types of firewall technology will be defined and discussed,
giving an overview of their strengths and weaknesses. Representative products will be compared
and contrasted. We will also discuss VPNs, discussing the types of VPNs in use and where
they are deployed. We will discuss deployment considerations and infrastructures needed
(or not needed) and how to develop a rollout plan.
Virtual Private Networking
This unique seminar is designed to help the IT professional quickly learn the most
critical business, technology, and deployment aspects of VPNs.
Computer Security and Information Warfare
As our dependancy on computers and networks grows, so do our vulnerabilities to attacks
on what has become a critical infrastructure. The network administrator and information
security administrator for an enterprise of any size, must be aware of the threats,
vulnerabilities, risks, and countermeasures. This 1 or 2 day course will discuss information
warfare in the Internet age, covering attack methods as well as defenses.
Advanced Network Security
This course will cover advanced topics in network and computer security for the network and security
administrator, discussing the technology and mechanisms to employ and deploy to secure computers and
networks for the individual and the enterprise.
Firewalls and Internet Security
This is a one or two day course covering firewalls, how and why they are used,
and how and where to deploy them.
Practical Cryptography
This is a one day course covering the basics of cryptography and how it is used
for Internet security.
Multidimensional Security
This course will give an overview of a multidimensional
model for security, looking at three levels in three areas. We will explore the
realms of security (prevention,detection, response), the steps in security management
(planning, policy, and production), and the arenas of
security deployment (perimeter, servers, and desktops).